Guide: The Importance of Sleep for Weight Loss
Last Updated on March 6, 2025
by Marc Werner, Founder - GhostBed
Sleep is of utmost importance when on the road to seeking to lose some pounds as a proper night of slumber will help the brain and body to do its best in controlling weight. To help the body find sleep one should enlist the aid of a top mattress to lend comfort and support to promote a healthy body.
I. Why is Sleep Important for Weight Loss
II. 8 Sleep Tips to Aid in Weight Loss
III. Quality Mattress to Help Sleep Better
One may not see that there should be a correlation between weight loss and sleep, but the body works in unison to assure that all works together to fight health concerns – including losing extra pounds. Reduced hours of slumber can have a detrimental impact on one who is working to lose weight.
I. Why is Sleep Important for Weight Loss
Each human is unique in requiring different amounts of sleep in order to live a healthy and productive life. Generally, adults need between seven and nine hours of slumber to conduct their lives in a beneficial manner. With growing bodies eating up energy, children need even more sleep.
1) Battle Weight Gain and Obesity
Research has found that women, in particular, who do not get the much-needed slumber are more at risk for weight gain. It has been discovered that women who sleep for only six or less hours a night have been seen to gain 33 pounds over a 16-year span. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 35-percent of individuals conduct their daily lives deprived of sleep.
Along with weight gain it has been seen that sleep deprived also suffer from a higher body mass index (BMI). Concluded studies have linked lack of sleep with increasing obesity probability by as much as 89-percent in children and in adults by 55-percent.
Weight gain and sleep tend to also battle each other. One with increased weight has more likelihood to experience sleep disturbers like snoring and sleep apnea. In turn these sleep interrupters affect quality of sleep which then deters weight loss.
2) Sleep Deprivation Causes Hunger
Reduced sleep quality can mess with the body’s hormones, leptin and ghrelin, that control hunger. Inside the fat cells is where leptin is created. Hunger occurs when there is less leptin produced.
Extreme drowsiness and sudden nodding off to sleep at any moment is common in those with narcolepsy. This can have an adverse impact on one’s work and social life. It can also cause a dangerous situation for anyone with this condition who is driving a vehicle.
Ghrelin production works the opposite of leptin. The more ghrelin made works to stimulate hunger. In addition, as more ghrelin is produced it works to reduce metabolism and add to the body storing more fat. This means that producing too much ghrelin makes it harder for the body to burn calories.
With proper sleep the body naturally controls the hunger hormones. When one finds themselves suffering from not enough sleep, they can also see weight gain due to uncontrolled leptin and ghrelin.
In addition, lack of sleep can lead to obesity caused by rising cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone linked to gaining fat. The higher cortisol levels coupled with higher ghrelin report to brain that one is still hungry even after a full meal. Of course, this leads to over eating and weight gain.
3) Metabolism Affected by Poor Sleep
When the brain is foggy from lack of sleep, so is the entire body including the fat cells. This is known as metabolic grogginess. Researchers at the University of Chicago created the term after observing what occurs with just four nights of reduced sleep.
After four sleep deprived nights, researchers found that the body loses its knowhow of how to properly use insulin. The study saw that in the short time insulin sensitivity was lowered more than 30-percent.
The drop in insulin results in the body becoming more insulin resistant which means that the body will be pumping out excess insulin as fats circulate and stay in the blood. With proper insulin production, the fat cells work to remove the fatty acids and lipids from lingering in the bloodstream.
The excessive buildup of insulin caused by sleep loss can result in storage of fat that otherwise would have been removed naturally. This is what causes weight gain and health concerns, like diabetes, caused by obesity.
4) Less Sleep Results in Less Exercise
With too little sleep it is natural to wake exhausted and the first to-do to cut out most likely with be exercise. In addition to not wanting to work-out, the body can lose muscle just from not getting enough slumber.
Muscle works to combat fat. Unfortunately, lack of sleep has been seen to lessen the body’s capacity to produce muscle which then increases the risk of fat staying put in the body. The deficiency of muscle production results in muscle loss and more injuries.
Sleep deprivation also can result in the slower production of growth hormone that works to burn fat, fight aging, and aid in recovery. This occurs with the sleep deprived stress hormone cortisol is increased working against the body to decrease the growth hormone production.
5) Exhausted Brain Makes Poor Diet Choices
Many have seen a late night of revelry resulting in early morning carb loading binges at the local diner. Imagine the brain every day making food choices after dealing with a night of limited sleep. More calories have been seen to be taken in by those who are sleep deprived.
Some studies found that the more wake time results in less movement and more eating. It has also been found that the capability to control portion sizes can be affected by inadequate snooze time.
II. 8 Sleep Tips to Aid in Weight Loss
There are ways to help the body get the sleep it needs to assist in weight loss. By watching the diet and mind one can get on the road to healthy sleep along with a slimmer self.
1) Eat Light – Especially Dinner
Keep away from heavy meals, especially dinner. A big meal in the evening will force the body to work harder to digest. This can lead to indigestion and cause problems with falling, and staying, asleep.
2) Combat Nighttime Hunger
To combat waking hunger, have a light snack before bed. A banana or cup of Greek yogurt are nourishing and will satiate cravings.
3) Say Night-Night to Electronics
Just as too much food will stimulate the digestive track to keep it awake, too many electronics at night will work to over stimulate the brain and keep one awake. Send the computer to dreamland at least an hour before bed to give the brain time to relax before sleep.
4) Take Time for Soak
Treat the body to relaxing time in the bathtub. A warm soak may be just what is needed to lull oneself off to dreamland.
5) Say No to Alcohol
Alcohol will not only add unneeded calories to a diet but a drink can also add to a sleepless night by causing the body to work harder to metabolize it.
6) Leave Caffeine for Morning
Caffeine works to keep one awake and moving so it stands to reason that it can work against one attempting to get shuteye. Keep away from caffeinated drinks and foods for at least six hours before bedtime.
7) Breathing Time
Dry some deep-breathing relaxation exercises to encourage sleep. There are some meditation apps and videos that can work to guide one off to slumber.
8) Number Counting
Try counting numbers in threes back from 300. This will keep the mind from worrying about everyday matters as the brain works to calm the body with number counting.
III. Quality Mattress to Help Sleep Better
Although the stats suggest how much sleep one should get, research has discovered that 30-percent of adults are only sleeping for six or less hours a night. Lack of snooze time can not only lead to obesity, but it has also been linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart failure, and cognitive problems.
It is important for overall wellbeing, as well as weight loss to get the proper amount of sleep neededevery night. Tips and tricks can be followed to help the brain get the body off to dreamland.
Make sure to have a comfortable bedroom ready to promote sleep furnished with the great GhostBed Luxe mattress along with GhostPillows and bedding.

Marc has spent the last two decades designing & manufacturing mattresses and other sleep products, drawing on a lifetime of experience working with the material sciences. With several patents to his name, he works closely with the GhostBed team to create products with the perfect balance of comfort & support. Learn More